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Japanese Star Eriko Nakamura Shares Experience Getting Hit on at 55 Years Old

Eriko Nakamura’s Social Media

Japanese announcer Eriko Nakamura sparks discussion after sharing a surprising experience of getting hit on by strangers.

Currently residing in Paris, France, Nakamura shared the news of her first-ever flirtatious encounter on social media on March 28.

Nakamura posted an update from Paris with the title “Congratulations!! I got hit on!!!” She said, “I’ve never been interested in ‘being hit on,’ nor have I ever wished for it.”

She continued, “In fact, I’ve always lived with the frustrating belief that ‘if someone hits on you, it’s because there’s something wrong with you,’ especially during my school days.” After those school years, she realized it’s not always negative to be hit on and shared her experience of being flirted with in Paris.

Nakamura was surprised, saying, “I, who spent my school days like that, can’t believe it!! At the age of 55, I was hit on twice.”

Nakamura said the men approached her while she was walking her dog. She even joked that she wondered if her location was a popular spot for flirting.

She explained that a conversation started when her dog began acting up around a man walking towards them. According to Nakamura, the man said, “It’s okay. Wow, your dog is really cute. What breed is it?” He then asked, “What a good dog…What is your name?” Nakamura told him her dog’s name, but the man replied, “No, I was asking for your name. Would you mind giving me your contact information? I’d like to have dinner with you.”

The second flirtatious encounter also occurred while she was with her dog. Nakamura said a man ran across the street and said, “Long time no see! How have you been?” Unable to recall who he was, Nakamura was asked by the man, “You’re Yuriko, right?” Though the name was slightly off, she figured it’s hard for foreigners to remember Japanese names, so she replied, “Yes.” The man asked, “Do you want to go for a drink now?” but she declined, saying, “My kids are waiting at home,” as it was only 10 am.

Sharing these two stories, Nakamura expressed her surprise, saying, “I’ve never had this happen in my 30s, 40s, and early 50s, but now that I’m 55, it’s happening back to back.” She concluded her post by saying, “It was more of an interesting experience than a happy one.”

Eriko Nakamura, a former announcer for Fuji Television, has lived between Paris and Japan since marrying a French businessman in September 2001.

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