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I’m a Hoarder: How Priscilla Ku Kei Kwan Decked the Halls with 200 Hermès Boxes

Former actress and TV host Priscilla Ku Kei Kwan confessed that she has been storing hundreds of luxury brand boxes for the past 20 years due to the high humidity in Hong Kong.

On May 18th, China Daily released an exclusive interview with Kwan. In the interview, Kwan revealed that she has about 200 luxury brand boxes in her possession and expressed her anticipation for the TVB program Partner Kitchen, where she was chosen to be a judge.

Kwan boasted about her house view, saying, “I can see Victoria Harbor from my house. It’s beautiful and always lifts my mood.” She added, “The humidity in the house is too high, so I use eight dehumidifiers. Humidity is not good for aging,” and hinted that she might need to move soon.

Last year, Kwan attracted attention for decorating her Christmas tree with luxury boxes from Hermès. Kwan reflected on why she doesn’t throw away the boxes, sharing, “I am a garbage collector. I collect all kinds of trash,” and “I find it interesting to create art pieces out of trash.” She confessed the reason for decorating the tree with luxury boxes, saying, “One day, I thought it would be nice to put luxury boxes under the Christmas tree.”

Kwan revealed, “I think I have about 200 luxury boxes. I’ve been collecting them for almost 20 years.” She advised, “Hong Kong is very humid, so if you don’t pack carefully, mold can form,” and “You have to be careful when storing boxes.”

As a judge on the TVB program Partner Kitchen, Kwan expressed her passion: “I eat out five days a week, so I’ve been to almost all the restaurants in Hong Kong. I think I can judge food well.”

Priscilla Ku Kei Kwan has been a TV host since 1980. In 1989, she spent a year expanding her career in China. After that, she returned to Hong Kong and gained recognition as a renowned TV host.

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