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Over Half of South Korean Teenagers in Favor of Same-Sex Marriage

More than half of teenagers show support for same-sex marriage, a survey reveals.

According to a survey conducted by the Korea Youth Policy Institute from May to July of last year, among 7,718 students (3,983 boys and 3,735 girls) from elementary, middle, and high schools across the country, 52.0% of teenagers responded that they believe same-sex marriage should be allowed.


In detail, 36.0% of male students agreed with same-sex marriage, while 69.0% of female students agreed.

In addition, 80.5% of male students and 82.1% of female students agreed with cohabitation before marriage. For international marriages, 89.8% of male students and 93.0% of female students agreed.

However, the proportion of teenagers who believe marriage is necessary was very low.

Only 29.5% of teenagers view marriage as a necessity, with 39.5% of male students and only 18.8% of female students.


These figures starkly contrast with a survey conducted in 2012. At that time, 73.2% of teenagers considered marriage a necessary part of life. Still, in just over a decade, the statistic has flipped, with 70.5% of teenagers not considering marriage essential.

The Institute analyzed that this is not unrelated to teenagers’ values, which increasingly devalue the importance of relationships with others and place more importance on leisure, money, and social status.

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