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Sleeping Hack: How Your Bed’s Direction Impacts Your Health

Sleeping in the wrong direction can affect your health
It would be best if you positioned yourself parallel to the window
It’s important to follow the principles of health and feng shui

Online Media Sanook

Sleeping with your feet or head facing the window is not ideal for health.

According to the online media Sanook on the 14th (local time), it is suggested that people should place their bed parallel to the window because it is not good for their health to sleep with their feet or heads facing the window.

The position and direction of the bed are important because the bed is a crucial space where we can sleep and rest after a long day.

Many people are reported to sleep with their feet or heads facing the window to enjoy the natural breeze while sleeping.

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However, such direction exposes the body to the direct influence of the external wind, so people with weak bodies are more susceptible to catching a cold.

It is also reported that it makes it difficult for people to fall asleep and achieve deep sleep due to sensitivity to external factors such as light, noise, and unpleasant smells.

Therefore, it should not be positioned too close to the window and should be parallel to the wall with the window.

Unless space is limited or unavoidable, it is recommended that the window be covered with curtains or fabric to reduce the risk of sleep deprivation.

In addition to health issues, it is recommended not to position towards the window because it contradicts the feng shui principle that the energy entering through the window disturbs sleep.

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