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Vietnamese Man’s Bizarre Surgery: Live Eel Found Inside His Abdomen

A 34-year-old man in Vietnam undergoes surgery for a perforated intestine and finds a “live eel”

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A shocking discovery was made when a live eel measuring nearly 12 inches was found inside a Vietnamese man’s abdomen.

On March 21, the Vietnamese local media Nguoi dua Tin reported the 34-year-old man was admitted to the Kien Giang Province Hai Ha Medical Center complaining of severe abdominal cramps.

When the patient complained of excruciating pain, an X-ray and ultrasound revealed a foreign body, a perforated intestine, and peritonitis in his abdomen.

They immediately started surgery to remove the suspicious object and alleviate intestinal damage.

Nguoi dua tin

Upon opening the patient’s abdomen for surgery, they discovered that the foreign body was a live eel measuring nearly 12 inches.

They immediately removed the eel and proceeded with surgery to remove other damaged parts of the intestine. The surgery was successful.

The man couldn’t explain how the eel ended up in his abdomen, but the doctors suspect that the eel crawled up through his rectum and burrowed into his intestine.

Online viewers were shocked by this bizarre incident of a live eel coming out of a person’s body, with some describing it as “like a scene from an alien movie.”

The man is currently resting in the hospital after the surgery.

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