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40-Year-Old Autistic Bosnian Man Diagnosed with ‘Genius Disease’

A 40-year-old man who speaks 56 languages has been diagnosed with savant syndrome, a condition often referred to as a “genius disease”
Works as a lawyer in Bosnia

Source: Online Media Sanook

The remarkable story of a 40-year-old man who has spoken 56 languages since age 26 has been shared.

According to the online media Sanook, Oddity Central’s website shared the story of a man with superhuman abilities on the 2nd (local time).

Despite being diagnosed with autism, this man works as a lawyer in Bosnia and possesses impressive skills.

He also shared an experience: “I have met people who speak languages I didn’t know before. By the end of the trip, I could understand the language they were speaking.”

Source: Online Media Sanook

He continued, “I helped my father communicate with the mechanic to fix the car.”

Amazed by the man’s extraordinary ability, his parents took him to a doctor, where he was diagnosed with Savant Syndrome.

Savant Syndrome is known as a “genius disease,” He is an autistic individual who possesses a special ability.

In response to being called one of the most talented people in the world, the man humbly stated that he doesn’t want to put himself above others.

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