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Chinese Woman’s Nose Gets Bigger During Pregnancy – Here’s Why

Woman shares before-and-after pregnancy photos
Experience weight gain and look different
Resonating with other mothers about post-pregnancy changes


A woman’s before-and-after pregnancy photos are causing a stir online.

According to Sanook, on April 3, a woman from China shared comparison photos of herself before and after pregnancy, which many mothers relate to.

She admitted that her appearance has drastically changed after sharing the before-and-after photos.

The woman confessed that she had gained about 14kg (about 30.9 lbs) after pregnancy and had developed more acne on her face.

Not only that, but she also revealed that she has developed freckles under her arms, and her breasts are gradually getting bigger.

In response, the woman said, “I feel more emotional sadness than physical pain, and I hope to return to my original shape through exercise and care.”

People who saw the photos shared various thoughts, like “All moms can relate. You become a completely different person when you get swollen from pregnancy. I didn’t even look in the mirror when I was pregnant.”

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  • Rikki Tikki

    She still looks great to me. The breasts getting bigger offset her nose.😃

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