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How Pregnancy Made This Woman Grow Taller

Woman Grows 1.6 Inches Taller After Giving Birth to Her Second Child
Relaxin Hormone Secretion Causes Joints to Expand
One of the Hormones That Induces Childbirth


The story of a woman growing taller after childbirth has sparked a conversation about unexpected postpartum experiences.

According to Taiwanese media ctwant, on April 12, Professor Li Zhengzhe, a doctor at the National Taiwan University Hospital, posted about a female patient who had been monitored for a benign tumor for a long time at his hospital but showed no change in the size of the tumor.

Li Zhengzhe shared a case of a woman who opted for monitoring after a benign lower body tumor diagnosis. The report details increased tumor growth during her second pregnancy and mentions an observed height increase of 0.8 inches with each pregnancy. It’s important to note that such height changes after pregnancy are uncommon and require further investigation.


Li Zhengzhe explained, “In reality, the woman, who became a mother of two, grew from 5’3″ to 5’5″, an increase of 1.6 inches, and her height did not decrease afterward.”

He added, “This is due to the secretion of relaxin during pregnancy, which causes the joints to expand.”

Relaxin is one of the hormones that facilitate childbirth by dilating the cervix and vagina before delivery and softening the ligaments between the pelvic bones to widen the birth canal.

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