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3 Killed in China’s Terrifying Tangerine Pit Gas Nightmare

가스 질식 사고 발생한 충칭의 귤 폐기 구덩이
A pit used for discarding tangerines in Chongqing where a gas suffocation accident occurred [Photo=Extreme Newspaper·Yonhap News]

In China, six people who entered a pit used for discarding a large quantity of tangerines suffocated from gas, resulting in the death of three.

Local media, including China Central TV (CCTV), reported that this incident occurred on the 26th in Kaizhou District, Chongqing City, during the cleanup operation of a pit where numerous tangerines had been discarded.

The harrowing situation began when a laborer, whom the landowner had summoned to fill the pit, suddenly lost consciousness and collapsed. In a heroic attempt to rescue their fallen comrade, five other individuals rushed in to assist but also succumbed to the same fate.

An emergency response team promptly arrived and rushed the affected individuals to the hospital. Tragically, three of them did not survive the ordeal.

The landowner provided insight into the incident, stating, “I had lent the land to someone who had dug several deep pits to dispose of a large quantity of tangerines. This unfortunate accident transpired while filling one of these neglected pits.”

An official from the local authority explained, indicating that their initial assessment suggests the likely cause of suffocation was toxic gas. According to their findings, this gas emanated from decomposing tangerines that had accumulated in the pit.

Authorities have assembled an investigative team to examine the circumstances surrounding this tragic event thoroughly. Officials have also emphasized their commitment to punitive action against any unlawful activities uncovered during the investigation.

By. Yeon Jae Choi

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